Which Finger Do You Wear an Eternity Ring on? The Ultimate Guide


An Eternity Ring is a ring gifted by a significant other when they reach a milestone anniversary or a life changing occasion happens

An Eternity Ring is a ring gifted by a significant other when they reach a milestone anniversary or a life changing occasion happens.

There are several questions you may have about an eternity ring. From how to wear an eternity ring to where to wear an eternity ring, they can play a factor in you buying an eternity ring for your significant other.

What is an Eternity Ring?

An Eternity Ring  (also known as an Infinity Ring) is a ring that features identically cut diamonds or precious gemstones, set in a precious metal such as white gold or platinum. This type of diamond ring is usually given to a husband or wife after a significant milestone such as an anniversary.

The History of Eternity Rings

Records show that the concept of an eternity ring dates back to 2,000 BC. People have been giving their lovers a form of eternity ring for nearly 4,000 years!  Some of the first eternity style rings from this era were carved out bone, metal and beads. It is thought that the first eternity rings were given by Ancient Egyptians  - they didn't give them for any particular reason, but they viewed the circle shape of the ring as a symbol of eternity and everlasting love.

The Ouroboros Symbol

Mythology suggests that this neatly closed band is based on the Ancient Egyptian symbol Ouroboros; a snake or lizard swallowing its own tail to form a full circle. The first Ouroboros appeared on the Tomb of Tutankhamun in 14th Century BC. Alongside this, the Infinity Ring is  thought to have roots in the Tibetan Buddhist Endless Knot and the Infinity symbol created by John Wallis in 1655.

What Does the Eternity Ring Symbolise?

The eternity ring has endured its meaning and symbolism of commitment and eternal love since 2,000 BC. Another common eternity ring meaning is that the band references the full circle of life. It was common practice to gift a wife an eternity ring after the birth of a first child. Both full and half eternity rings hold the same meaning, so the choice of which one to give is up to you. Find out what your eternity ring says about you!

Which Order Do You Wear Your Engagement Ring and Eternity Ring?

When it comes to how to wear an eternity ring with your engagement ring, you should wear your eternity ring, engagement ring and wedding ring  on the ring finger of the left hand. People usually place the eternity ring placed between the wedding band and Engagement Ring. However, whatever way you choose to wear your eternity ring is a personal preference, as long as it is comfortable for you.

When Do You Give an Eternity Ring?

Traditionally, eternity rings are given to your significant other once your first child is born or reaching your 10th anniversary. You may also gift an eternity ring when;

  • Your partner is expecting a child,

  • As a Birthday Present,

  • A Valentine's Day Gift,

  • A Christmas Gift,

  • Diamond Infinity Ring could be gifted on a 60th Wedding Anniversary,

  • Sapphire eternity ring for a 45th Wedding Anniversary,

  • Ruby infinity ring for a 40th Wedding Anniversary,

  • Emerald eternity ring for a 55th Wedding Anniversary.

Channel Versus Pavé Eternity Rings

From full channel eternity rings to half pavé eternity rings there will be something for everyone to choose from. You can choose the shape of diamond or gemstone you would like.

Pavé Eternity Rings

Pavé is a classic French design that translates to ‘pavéd with diamonds'.  This setting consists of small diamonds and other gemstones attached to the precious metal, giving it a textured surface. A full pavéd or half pavéd infinity ring will give the illusion that the ring has a surface of jewels.

Channel Eternity Rings

Channel eternity rings feature one or more rows of diamonds or gemstones set in sections of precious metal, giving a smooth finish. This particular design looks gorgeous in a half design.

There's a lot of complex terminology when it comes to choosing the perfect eternity ring, so don't forget to peruse our eternity rings glossary.

Check out our Top 7 Eternity Rings here.

Keep your diamond jewellery clean with these helpful tips.